We have few roles open for the signup. If you'd like to play choose a character from the list in the link and let us know at


31st October - 3rd November 2024. International run (completely in English).

The event will take place from Thursday 1 PM at the latest until Saturday night. It will be followed by a post-game party. You can arrive at the game location as early as Wednesday evening. Before the game starts, we will go through workshops focused mainly on safety, lore, creating meaningful relationships, and understanding game mechanics. The game will start on Thursday night, so please make sure you come well-rested.


In the Rančířov military area near Jihlava, the Czech Republic.

You will be accommodated in former military facilities equipped with bunk beds, electricity, running water, and functional toilets. However, please do not expect much privacy or hot showers. The communal sleeping rooms are fairly cramped, and people will need to bring their own sleeping bags (we can lend you sleeping equipment for a small fee if needed). Although this is not a camping event, please do not expect a hotel, or even youth hostel level of comfort.

We will provide full vegetarian catering. We will provide you with a menu 14 days ahead of the game, so you can consider the possibilities, and if necessary, bring your own additional supplies.


The game does not have a strictly defined target audience—it is open to anyone who is 18 or older, speaks English, and is interested in the topic.

Do you like chivalric stories?

Do you want to engage in thrilling fights for small groups?

Are you a fan of dark fairy tales and light horror?

Would you enjoy roasting potatoes by the fire and venturing into mystical places?

If you answered YES to at least one of the questions, the game is very probably for you!


How much

The game costs 290 EUR. This includes a character and all written materials, a full costume (except shoes), all armour, plot-relevant props, and weapons including ammo, as well as accommodation and food for the whole event. We will also provide transportation from the nearest city, Jihlava.

If you want to use your own armour or parts of the costume, please contact us at

What is NOT included in the price, however, is a professional service. Rolling is a purely volunteer-run organisation. Nobody is making any profit; any money that is left gets invested back into our games. We rely on the help of our volunteers as NPCs, and on the support of our players. At Grimness, you will occasionally be asked to help with a chore or two during the game. Outside the game, there will be some chores (such as the cleanup) where participation is optional.

Timeline of the event 

Thursday 1 PM: The latest time for you to arrive and pick up equipment. 

Thursday 3 PM: Start of the workshops

Thursday 7 PM: Start of the game; first chapter.

Friday 9 AM: Start of the second chapter, full of spirits and adventure; the beginning of the tourney. 

Friday 5 PM: Start of the third chapter. On All Hallows Eve, the dead come back to dine and dance with us; after they leave, the night will be truly dark.

Saturday 9 AM: Start of the fourth chapter, full of joy. Saturday noon: Start of the fifth and final chapter, which will end with blood in the duel and fates crossed. 

Saturday 5 PM: The game ends, and the party starts.) 

The sign up period is still open for several characters. You can check the list here and sign up via regular form for players below.

We are also looking for NPCs and volunteers in general, as they are crucial for the game’s success. We have ensured that this option is very engaging as well:

For those who don not want to pay the full price, we offer a reservist position. Essentially, you agree to keep the event in your schedule and step in as a player character if any player withdraws in the last week:

If you can read Czech or have a friend who can, you can also play as a Shade In this role, you will be creating scenes in the minds of other characters, while they retreat into Prayer’s Chamber to meditate about their life and actions:

Cancellation policy

Knight's Song follows our overall cancellation policy.

After getting a spot, you will receive a payment deadline (about a month after signing up). The fee must be paid by the last day of the deadline. Any spots that remain unpaid after the payment deadline will be cancelled and offered to players on the waiting list.

After the payment deadline, the cancellation fee is 10% of the ticket price. If you cancel a month before the game or less, the cancellation fee increases to 50% of the ticket price. 

For cancellations made two weeks or less before the game, the cancellation fee is 100% of the ticket price. If a paying replacement player is found for a cancelled spot, an amount higher than noted above can be returned—but only up to 90% of the ticket price; the 10% fee is always non-refundable. If the cancellation fee is 50%, you receive any part of the replacement player’s payment that is above 50% of your original ticket price (only up to 90% of the paid ticket price). 

If the cancellation fee is 100%, you get the whole amount of the replacement player’s payment (only up to 90% of the paid ticket price).

We will not be able to refund any travel costs and strongly recommend players to buy travel insurance for this purpose.