
The historical context

The game is set in the year of our Lord 2018, in the vast and mysterious hills of the Šumava Forest. This land, hidden and distant from global affairs, still feels the effects of world events. Nearly 30 years have passed since the end of the Red Age during which the Party stormed the castles of our compatriots. The Communists behaved as if they could command the soul of the Forest or the will of its inhabitants. They felled trees, chained magical creatures, and built enclosures for those Animals that resisted the new regime. They also built the Lipno Dam, flooding the castles of many knights without offering reparations. While the memories of this oppression are already hazy in the minds of men, the scars will take much longer to heal fully, especially for the Forest itself.

But times change. Revolution came, leading Archduke to declare independence and fight a bloody war with the new Prague government. The knights won and started taking care of their Mother Šumava. In these peaceful times, seasoned knights keep insisting that the music just hasn't been as good since the 90s, while their young pages excitedly discuss the advantages the 5G network offers during the expeditions against monsters or rogue biker bandits. Sometimes, they put down their armour or fancy dress to look "normal", sneaking into nearby towns for parties or shopping, unrecognised by ordinary people who have no clue about the wonders of the Šumava Forest. 

Šumava Forest

In the real world, Šumava is simply a place on the map people visit for summer vacations to take a break from work. And while the game is set in the actual region, the word Šumava means much more in its context. More than a mere location, it represents a metaphysical entity spinning the yarn of fate, its influence extending far beyond its area. The forest, with its hills, air, trees, magic, creatures, tales, and people—all of this is Šumava. Alive in her own right, Mother Šumava exists as a sentient being.

You can never predict where a simple forest path will take you—maybe to strange ruins, a magical clearing, or a pond with healing powers... you may catch a glimpse of the legendary White Deer or a pixie running away just as you notice it among the rocks. You might find a cave with golden treasure or encounter a wanderer in unusual clothes. If you have faith in Mother Šumava or find yourself lost in life, she might momentarily unveil her secrets for you...


Faith is an important theme in our game. Although characters practice various forms of faith, every single inhabitant of Fort Grimness is a Christian and nobody questions it. Similarly, the Long Lake Folk seems to have a unique religion.

Faith is an integral part of the setting, adding shared context and meaning. It is mostly a lived faith, manifested through a set of rituals and spiritual tools to help our characters live through their inner experience together, with a common language and roots. Faith is presented in a fairy tale manner, and theological debates are not a topic we want to explore. Instead, knights ride to battle with flashing neon crosses while chanting The Lord’s Prayer, and “prayer” represents a form of entering characters' memories.

For those who want to do so, there is great room to explore the characters through their relationship with God. Who is He to them? Where do they seek Him? And in their darkest hour, will they falter or stay true to His will?


Everyone knows the Fortress is a peaceful place where swords stay sheathed and no fighting is allowed. Except for one special event—the Tourney. This prestigious event organised by Tereza of Morrowdale in place of Regina, the ill lady of the fort, offers the knights the perfect opportunity to show their courage and skill. However, not everyone gets to compete for the main prize: an evening in the company of the maiden of the Tourney, Barbora of Woodford.

Every company sends its champion to compete. Champions will fight one on one, armed with swords and shields. The fights must be honourable, but that doesn't make them any easier. These duels can be the most physically demanding experience of the whole game, so if that's your thing, a champion might be the role for you.

However, it is not always the skill of the fighter that determines the winner. The final decision always lies with the ladies. A proper knight must exhibit chivalric qualities as well as physical prowess. And a noble and graceful defeat is always more admirable than weaselling your way to an underserved victory.


At court, honour and social status are everything. Who has the fundamental influence in these matters? We placed this responsibility in the gentle hands of the ladies of the court. What exactly does it mean for the game? The seating order at the dining table: before every meal, the ladies assemble to update the table chart, reflecting—in their opinion—the current respect individual people enjoy at Grimness.

The court people then accept the social status granted by the ladies and show their basic respect accordingly. Just two facts are given at the beginning but not necessarily set in stone: Albert Tomáš always sits at the head of the table while Swindler has a special place at the very bottom of the hierarchy of seats. Some would even call it "floor."

During the game, all individuals can experience major shifts in the social hierarchy, impacting not just their fate but also the fate of whole groups of people. The seating order at the dining table symbolises the ladies’ power at the court and shows the importance of honour in the world of knights.

The court ladies themselves are entangled in many intrigues. Who will take hold of the ungoverned lands? Who will rise into a position of power? Who will eliminate the husband of their lover? Or would they uphold a moral and honourable stance rather than pursue personal gains?

Fort Grimness

The game takes place at the Fort Grimness. The fortress was originally named Hardenwick but was renamed to forget about the crimes of the Lord of Hardenwick. Duke himself ordered knight Patrik Martin to punish the Lord of Hardenwick for their horrible sins—and Patrik Martin massacred every one of the inhabitants, sparing the life of only one little baby. But that is all nearly forgotten.

The current ruler of Fort Grimness is Albert Tomáš of Grimness, the nephew of the previous ruler Patrik Martin of Grimness, whom he challenged to a duel over the lordship of the Fortress and won. 

Although not exactly in ruins, the realm is in a state of disrepair. The imps are encroaching ever closer on inhabited areas and plundering the sparse villages associated with Grimness. The people are complaining that Albert Tomáš and some of his vassals are neglecting the protection of their subjects, and there are careful whispers among the court that perhaps a change in leadership is in order. Some put their faith in Martin Jan, the son of the current Lord of Grimness and the late Lady Ivana, his previous wife, who is coming back from a decade-long banishment by his father.


What would a heroic quest against the odds be if it did not include daring expeditions with uncertain outcomes? They are the central part of Knight's Song experience for most characters in the story. During an expedition, one or more companies venture outside the protection of the Fort to show their bravery in service of the chivalric code.

Any combat not related to the tourney will happen during expeditions. Whether it be devious imps looking for loot, the retinue of a maleficient lord, or restless spirits wandering the forest, the expedition must be prepared to put use to their steel and lead to secure a successful outcome of their endeavour. Because there is no script ensuring that an expedition needs to be successful and failure is always an option.

Each expedition is then its own substory fitting into a larger whole. The scenarios can vary from the infiltration of an enemy camp to a complex negotiation with Forest spirits to a desperate last-stand defence against hordes of imps.

Of course, in the 21st century, riding to battle on horseback is simply too impractical nowadays. Instead, motorised companies ride to battle in a van armed with a flashing bright neon cross and blasting epic music. They like their style. 


Although some songs may be longer than others, every song eventually comes to an end. While some of our characters' stories will continue even after the game ends, not all will be so fortunate. This is where the graves come in to remind us that death is an inevitable part of the journey.

Seven graves are located near the Fort as a symbol of death foretold. Some of them bear the names of characters from the start. Yes, the names—one of the characters will fill the grave, while the other will survive. Other graves just dictate where and when someone will take their last breath without designating the character to die—and it is up to the players who will be the one who sacrifices himself or herself for others. The final decision to perish is up to the player, as the fate of your character lies in your hands.

By the end of the game, every grave will be filled, and no character can die without an empty grave that they could fill. Dying does not mean losing the game, but rather serves as a conclusion to the character's story. For example, from the very start, everybody simply knows there will be a final duel between Albert Tomáš and his son Martin Jan—and one of them will die.

Venerable Sisters

In a world full of magic, where the country itself is alive, a healer is a necessary presence to mend its wounds. Venerable sisters, chosen girls trained in a hidden monastery, are powerful and highly respected nuns endowed with divine power.

With the duty of serving others and a fervent sense of righteousness, they fight evil wherever it appears: in the shadows of Mother Šumava, the shattered souls of knights, and even within themselves. It would be foolish for any knight’s company to venture out on an expedition without their protection. Thrust into the world of male bravado, sisters display a different kind of courage, using their skills of medicine and prayer amidst the violence to make sure everyone in their care makes it back home to see their loved ones. And when the situation is at its bleakest, the Lord Himself might lend His daughter the power to perform a miracle and save everyone from certain death.

However, the dangers of the outer world are only a small part of the darkness lurking within each soul. Defenders of the code of chivalry and the seven highest virtues must confront the sorrows and sins of their past, face danger, and deal with the consequences that await them in the future. While venerable sisters accompany knights on expeditions and into combat, their role is greater in solving battles that cannot be won with guns and swords.

All Hallows Eve

The Lord of Grimness holds Tourney at his court on the celebration of All Hallows Eve. This feast plays a significant role in the game, as the souls of the dead come back to reunite with their living relatives for this brief evening, and they are mostly welcomed at the table during the banquet.

On this special occasion, the souls of the departed come to reunite with their loved ones for a fleeting moment, offering advice, reconciliation, and touching long-lost partners. Instead of fear,  people welcome the spirits of the departed as an integral part of life. It is a sad event just as it is joyful. Many perished with a horrible and unspeakable injustice that has to be avenged - but at the same time, this is the time to clear the air, have another last word, remember who you were living and fighting for, and find solace in meeting your loved ones once again - even if they are mutilated from the cause of their death.

But All Hallows Eve is also a joyful event as stated above. The people of Grimness know how to party, and what better way to burn off dinner calories at the same time as nightmares than by dancing the night away, especially when spirits are alive for the night? It is a time for everyone to relax, laugh, and set aside their worries for a brief while.


The mystical Forest of Šumava is a land shrouded in powerful magic and mysteries that few understand. Dreadful beasts lurk around, paths suddenly change their destinations, and reality and the supernatural merge into one. Witches and wizards are the only ones who come close to grasp the secrets.

Their powerful skills are essential for navigating the treacherous terrain. Although their intentions may sometimes be unclear, it is unwise to have one as an enemy. In a world where many foes cannot be defeated with a sword or intrigue, a witch is often necessary for a successful expedition.

Everything has its price. Like anyone else chasing the sweet temptation of power, witches must give up something when they seek to control the supernatural. Every witch is protective of her territory, and their path tends to be a lonely one.

Despite the highly religious environments, don't expect any witch hunts. Everyone understands that magic is a part of the world they live in. Any idea of shunning it would be no more foolish than shunning the winds or the sun.

Currently, Marianna enjoys the favour of being the court witch of the Lord of the Fort over the old mage Michael. However, a second witch, Jasmína, and young shaman Spark of the Long Lake are on their way to Grimness. As everyone knows, any court is too small for more than one witch.

Chivalric Romance

Amidst the fighting, magic, and prayers of Grimness, there is plenty of room for romance. However, displays of affection follow the chivalrous code, evocative of the romantic gestures found in fairy tales and knightly legends, such as kissing a hand, presenting a rose, or engaging in brave and heroic acts to earn the love and admiration of a lady.

At Knight's Song, we value gallant courting over sexual roleplay or prolonged displays of physical affection. By prioritizing this kind of romance, we aim to create a particular atmosphere in the game. That's why there is no mechanic for sex in Knight's Song—it's simply not desirable. In fact, anything more than a brief hug or kiss of the hand would be considered a major faux pas in Grimness.

Grail Seekers

The most devoted knights can embark on a lifelong quest to seek the Grail, the holiest and the most honorable of undertakings anyone can achieve. Those who have drank from the Grail returned with a confident glow in their eyes and power unmatched by other knights. However, those who embark on the journey have to prove their worth and strength of character. During the trials, guided and judged by the Venerable sisters, they are tasked to show beyond all doubt that God has a place in their hearts, which is above all else.

Most quests end in vain. But occasionally some seekers achieve a successful conclusion by gaining immense power of the Grail—becoming Grail knights. The life of a Grail knight is hard but virtuous. He travels the land in service of the Church, exterminating evil and protecting the weak and downtrodden. And while admired as the beacons of faith and courage, they often have to leave their personal life behind for such a blessing.

However, the blessing of the Grail doesn't have to last forever, and Jan Valerian of Lindenvale is living proof of fleeting blessings. What a disappointment it will cause when he returns to the fort without the characteristic gleam in his eyes.