On this page, we are showcasing the characters that are currently missing their player. We will update this page as we find players for characters or if any new characters open up. If you'd like to play any of those characters, let us know at

Albert Tomáš of Grimness

“And so anon was the coronation made. And there was he sworn unto his lords and the commons for to be a true king, to stand with true justice from thenceforth the days of this life.”

Albert might have a few grey hairs, but apart from that and a few wrinkles, nobody would guess his real age. He may have been stronger and swifter in his youth, but today he is the epitome of a seasoned warrior and leader who has prevailed through countless challenges. In his youth... one would hardly imagine him without Jan Valerián, Berbrown, and Karel Ignác. They have been through many wild and terrifying adventures. They were not separated even when Albert took up his new duties as a ruler - on the contrary, they stood by his side and became godfathers to Martin Jan.
Then Martin Jan's mother died and Albert sunk into gloom. Yet his grief was soon completely forgotten thanks to Regina, who also gave him a beloved daughter, Hana. After a short night, the sun came back to Sychravo and all was good.

Of course, then Martin Jan grew up and tensions grew with him - until they exploded ten years ago. The exile that was supposed to humiliate Martin Jan, drive him out, and perhaps even destroy him completely, did almost the opposite. Albert’s old friends abandoned him and left to accompany his son. Now he is coming back.
A challenge lies in the air. Albert Tomáš is not going to give up his domain, he is not going to bow his head, and he will have to think twice before he decides on how to deal with his fallen son. Yet he will always have the glorious court of Grimness on his side, led by his beloved Regina, the most virtuous lady of the land.


There's triumph in the room
When that old imperator, Death
By faith is overcome.

Bleeter will catch your eye at first glance. Not because of their size (although the horns help), but mainly due to their gear. Their coat is laden with explosives; all their weapons are equipped with strange devices and attachments; and they exude a strange smell combining sulphur and other, unidentifiable chemicals. Their improvised equipment, based on their deep understanding of technology plus a dash of necessary insanity, gives them an advantage in battle that makes up for their obvious lack of training and strength.

Their peculiar gadgets and homemade enhancements also seem to be what's keeping their body together. A metal patch here, a few strings there, plus a strange tube in their face. Bleeter only came to the Farm in recent years and nobody can tell where they came from, why, and who accompanied them. They mostly just helped the Farm guards with their gear, reloaded their ammo and sometimes patched up their wounds. It was therefore all the more surprising that Bleeter joined Sladký when they left the Farm. Their departure, with a huge rifle on their back, several cleavers, and a limping leg on broken hooves, surprised not only all the Animals, but perhaps even Bleeter themselves. In any case, their path goes on - and from what they sometimes say, it seems they are after revenge.

Martin Jan

“Now Merlin,’ saisai Arthur, ‘say whether this lad shall be a good knight or no.’
‘Yea, sir, he ought to be a good knight, for he is comen of as good a man as any is alive, and of king’s blood.’”

Martin Jan was born of the first marriage of Lord Albert Tomáš of Grimness. He found it very, very hard to cope with the loss of his mother and his father’s marriage to a new wife, and he has always been a divisive character. Some loved him for his brightness and his sweet, attentive nature - he would always bring flowers to even the lowest of kitchen maids and always remembered to wish a good night to the men at arms. Those were his good days - but as he grew closer to adolescence, his good days grew scarcer and the pimply youth started talking back, swearing, and ordering people around more and more. When his father exiled him from Grimness, some say its people were relieved.

But often we only realize that something is important for us when we have lost it.  After some time, people only remembered the good of Martin Jan and when they heard the first stories of the company's spectacular expeditions and battles, many lower nobles and servants started secretly looking forward to the day the young master came back.

Content warning: Please note Martin Jan’s story includes the topics of sexual assault and incest.


"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Lord, grant me the courage to change the things I can. Lord, grant me the wisdom to know the difference."

 At first glance, Slithers might well pass as human: their body is hidden in a long robe and their face is covered by a hood. But their arrival with Jan Sladký's company made their allegiance clear. When their hood uncovered a helmet and the helmet showed their scaly face; when it turned out how crooked the hands holding their mighty hammer truly are, then it became clear what kind of creature Slithers is.

The men of the Rose were quite surprised to see an Animal monk, or perhaps even priest. Knights and Animals do not talk of faith very often - while every single knight is a good and devoted Christian and reveres all the saints, the Mother of God, and of course also Šumava the Allmother, Animals are much more diverse. They can be anything from good and godly Christians to complete heathens and infidels. But nobody knows Slithers, nobody has heard of them, and nobody can say a good word of them. The Venerable Sisters and others cannot help but wonder out loud: is it an Animal that has been imbued with the gift of faith and granted a priestly vestment? Or are they a human being, who was cursed for some especially terrible deed and given the terrible face of a snake?


In what distant deeps or skies,
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand, dare seize the fire?

Some Animals are simply wild by nature and Lynx - well, Lynx is a specific case even for Animals. They don't attack everything that moves, no, that's not the problem. But their eyes are the eyes of a hunter, sizing you up, obviously finding your weaknesses and ways that they could knock you down, stick a knife between your ribs and tear your flesh with sharp claws and teeth. And then they smile, lick their mouth and politely ask for a bowl of porridge and maybe some meat on the side. A cute kitty; a silky murderer.

Some have heard stories of Lynx's youth. Apparently, they were raised by Badger himself - but nobody remembers how the knight came to be their warden. People just know that the whole upbringing did not end any well and brought them both shame for many years.

Now, there is something strange about Lynx; something new. It's not just the obvious endless teasing and rivalry with Koko. It's not just their silence and distance from Badger, or their obvious devotion to Sladký. Now, Lynx can also be quiet and slowly listen to Slithers hissing, or let Bleeter lean on them when the need comes. They keep their coat and armour meticulously clean, as if every detail was to say that Lynx is a good squire now; and perhaps a knight too, soon. Can Lynx step out of the shadow of a woodland beast?